October Half term Holiday Camp 23
Parliament Hill Fields Bandstand Parliament Hill Fields Bandstand, Hampstead Heath, London NW5 1QROctober Half term Holiday Camp 23
October Half term Holiday Camp 23
FREE Nature craft workshops, December the 9th- 10am-12pm
**EXTRA DATE FOR OUR free Natural Art and craft club We are excited to be able to offer an extra date on Saturday 16th December 10am-12pm Come along and try out Lino Printing, Leaf steam Dyeing, Botanical Sketching with charcoal and much more Saturday December 16th 10-2pm
FREE Nature craft workshops, January the 6th- 10am-12pm at Olden Gardens
FREE Nature craft workshops, January the 13thth- 10am-12pm at Olden Gardens
FREE Nature craft workshops, January the 20th- 10am-12pm at Olden Gardens
February half-term Forest School camp
Easter Holiday Forest School Camp- week one
Easter Holiday Forest School Camp- week two
May Half Term Holiday Forest School Camp
Summer Holiday Forest School Camp holiday club - week one
Summer Holiday Forest School Camp holiday club - week two