Forest school camps and holiday clubs

Re-wild at one of our popular holiday Forest school clubs

Exciting Holiday clubs for children aged 5+ – Den building, firelighting, whittling and much much more!

Our Forest School Holiday clubs offer opportunities for Primary school aged children to work outdoors in Local wild spaces on their emotional, social and physical well-being in small groups. Forest school sessions are child-led. Children learn new skills through using natural materials to craft useful and beautiful things, engage in “Risky play” and build confidence and resilience. Careful observation of the capabilities of participants by the Forest School leader is necessary to allow participants to create meaningful experiences on the edge of their capabilities rewarding them with personal growth and re-organisation of self-concept.

What happens at Forest School Holiday clubs?

Forest school Holiday clubs offer in depth Forest School experiences in local woodlands and wild spaces in school holidays. They offer extended periods of nature immersion, are based outdoors at all times, presenting the children with many opportunities for deep nature connection. Time slows down offering time for spaced learning and skill building, and our leaders help them on a path to self-actualisation through closely observing and scaffolding their learning. Forest School leaders mentor participants in self awareness, self regulation, empathy, motivation and assertiveness using incremental tasks, games and shared experiences.

Each session will include:
  • A craft choice, such as weaving with natural materials, felting, natural jewellery, willow work, leaf smash pictures, green woodwork, whittling with knives, clay, natural paints and dyes
  • A physical activity such as balancing, assault course and slack lines, tree climbing, shelter building, hammocks and rope swings
  • A trust and community building game, such as Eagle eyes, rope circle work, secret stone, trolls and giants
  • Reflection and community building including circle sharing
When appropriate community & trust is established the following are introduced:
  • Tool work, such as using saws, sheath knives, firelighting, billhook, woodwork, green woodworking and whittling, Lopper and secateurs uses

Sessions also include experiences which are carefully introduced at appropriate intervals to develop participant response to risk and progress their journey through to ‘Frontier’ experiences –  just outside their comfort zone – this is where real learning takes place.

Every session includes group circle time for reflection on the sessions, where we will focus on resilience and community building, encouraging children to reflect on their own experiences using games such as ‘A wish and a Star’ and holding ceremonies around the fire. Children will grow their confidence at speaking through showing and explaining their sessions memento and revisiting activities and experiences as a group. We encourage listening through using a talking stick or round speak and use reflective listening with our group.

Our Forest school concentrates on:

Nature connection, resilience, emotional intelligence, adaptability, frustration, self-esteem, confidence, gratitude, flexibility, listening, talking, aspiration, personal achievement, Self-reliance, self-determination, Community-building.

All activities are risk assessed and risk assessments are available for viewing Youth Groups.